Friday, October 29, 2010

A Scary, Hairy Month

Well it's the end of October and you know what that means?  No, not Halloween.  It means that the start of Movember is only a weekend away.  Movember is Men's Health Month.  Where men all over the world grow moustaches, or mo's, to change their appearance and raise awareness and money to fight prostate cancer.  You can join the movement and/or donate at:  It's actually a really funny and cool website.  The cause is supported by many celebrities all over the world. 

The rules are simple: start the first of month clean shaven and grow and groom your mo all month long.  Your mo is your ribbon for men's health.  Wear it proudly.  Tell people why you are growing the mo, tell them about this worthy cause and ask for donations.  No amount is too small.  No moustache is too cheesy.

Soup Strainer out


  1. "No moustache is too cheesy."
    Not even Ron Burgundy's?

  2. Moustaches are awesome. MOvember is my favourite time of year.

  3. I was going to let you know today at the seminar that the mustache is coming in nicely. keep up the good work, it's for a great cause.
