Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hypothermic Half Marathon Makes Winter Worthwhile

Well I participated in my first Hypothermic Half Marathon last weekend.  It is a half marathon in the heart of winter that is organized by the Running Room and Fort Whyte Alive.  I first heard about it last year and was quite interested.  In the last few years I have begun to run outside in winter.  I think it first started when I realized that the Assiniboine River trail that stretched all the way from the Forks to Assiniboine Park was merely a five minute jog from my front door.  Having a long trail like that so close to me made it a pleasure to run outdoors.  And the view of the city from the frozen river was a  perspective I rarely get.  So I found myself going for long runs along the river trail over the last few years, sometimes bringing my skates along and skating for part of the way and running on other stretches.  There is something very relaxing about exercising in the snow covered outdoors.  There is also something powerful about knowing that you should be cold but you're not.  Your exercise is what is keeping you warm.  Great motivation to keep moving really. 

So this year I decided to use the Hypothermic Half Marathon as my motivation to stay in shape over the winter. Since I am not playing recreational ice hockey for the first time in about four years I needed something to keep me active in the cold winter months.  And I have made it.  Here it is the first week in March and I am wondering where the cold months went?  I out ran them.  With the impending half marathon getting ever closer I was more concerned about getting in shape for it in January and February than worrying about how cold it was outside.  Whenever I had a free hour or two on the weekend or weeknight I would go for a run.  Often I wouldn't even look at the temperature before going for a run.  That can be a real de-motivator.  I would just judge by the frost on the windows if I needed to wear an extra layer. 

So last Sunday I was well prepared and really enjoyed the beauty of the day and the thrill of a little friendly competition.  Oh and the massive brunch that was served at Fort Whyte afterwards was nice too.  The event was run exceptionally well.  From start to finish.  The trail from Fort Whyte, through Assiniboine Park and back was well marked and well manned by volunteers. This is the only race that the volunteers are worse off than the people running the race.  They often have to stand in one place in minus twenty-something Celsius for up to three hours, probably longer.  I don't know how they do it?  And they manage to stay positive and cheer runners on.  As I ran past them I was applauding them in return, knowing that they probably needed more motivation than I did.  And the cooking and serving staff were friendly, hospitable and very generous with their servings of eggs, bacon, hash browns.  My plate was overflowing yet they still spooned more on at my request. 

Yes all in all it was a great race and a great day.  And training for it actually made for a better winter experience than I have had in many years.  Instead of staying inside and complaining about the cold I got out and used our city in all of it's frozen glory. And here I am in March looking forward to the Winnipeg Police Service Half on May 1st.  I guess I know how I will be spending my free time in March and April.

Soupy out


  1. you're H-CORE man! good work sean, i wish i was able to outrun temperatures.

  2. Thanks buddy. You have to be pretty quick! Old Man Winter my butt.
